You love your guns! You want everyone to know you love your guns! You buy gun decals, lots of gun decals! You buy your Glock decals, Smith & Wesson decals, Sig decals, and don’t forget Molon Labe! Makes your car look awesome and sends a very clear message about you BUT… Is it sending the right message? I would say absolutely NOT!

The scenario of gun decals
Let me paint a picture for you, you’re driving along, minding your own business and realize, “Hey! I have to get over!” so you put on your turn signal and get over. All seems well but not to the hot head that feels you just cut them off! A few aggressive moves and middle fingers later you are pulled over by the police and askin, “Is there a problem officer?” To which he replies, please step out of the car and put your hands on the roof. Of course in Michigan, you are obligated to inform the officer that you are a concealed carrier and am armed.
And that is when things go from Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot to OH SHIT! He asks you to exit the vehicle slowly, disarms you, puts you in handcuffs and stuffs in the back of his cruiser! Confused yet? You should be! You see, all those awesome gun decals tell most people that there is a pretty good chance that you are a concealed carrier and are most definitely armed!
Anyways, remember Mr. Hothead? Yeah? Well guess what? He can read all those gun decals too and he just called the police and said you cut him off and threatened him and then brandished a gun! Now if you were lucky enough to NOT have your gun on you at that moment, it would have turned into a “It must have been a phone but it looked like a gun, my bad officer! I’m sorry!” and everyone goes on their merry ways.
But not today! You were armed and it’s your word against his and the police and prosecutor are going to argue that the “gentleman in the other vehicle had no way of knowing you were armed and that he never read/saw your decals.” Needless to say, many thousands of dollars later, maybe you get off with a probation, fines, loss of your firearms and carry license. All because you like your gun decals!
And while Mr. Hothead may feel remorse for what he’s done, it is highly unlikely he is going to fall on the sword and say, “Yes Mr. Prosecutor! I lied! Please prosecute me for filing a false police report!” and it is all going to fall on you.
My advice…Take it all off! Your gun decals, your NRA decals, your USCCA decals, ALL OF THEM! The few dollars you spent on that bit of vinyl isn’t worth all the trouble they can cause if you run across the wrong person. Maybe you feel this is far fetched and never happens. Well…We all know there are a LOT of crazy people out there and a LOT of anti-gun people that would just LOVE to ruin the life of a law abiding, 2nd Amendment loving American.
While it is hard to say whether or not this has actually happens, I am pretty sure it does! Once your accused and the police find a gun on you, good luck proving otherwise. I own and carry my gun to protect myself and those I love from danger, not to put them in danger of any kind, including financial. It is absolutely in my opinion one of the worse things you can do! You chose to go through all the trouble of getting a license to conceal a weapon, so why would you take the risk and advertise?

The fix
My advice…Take it all off! Your gun decals, your NRA decals, your USCCA decals, ALL OF THEM! The few dollars you spent on that bit of vinyl isn’t worth all the trouble they can cause if you run across the wrong person. Maybe you feel this is far fetched and never happens. Well…We all know there are a LOT of crazy people out there and a LOT of anti-gun people that would just LOVE to ruin the life of a law abiding, 2nd Amendment loving American.
While it is hard to say whether or not this has actually happens, I am pretty sure it does! Once your accused and the police find a gun on you, good luck proving otherwise. I own and carry my gun to protect myself and those I love from danger, not to put them in danger of any kind, including financial. It is absolutely in my opinion one of the worse things you can do! You chose to go through all the trouble of getting a license to conceal a weapon, so why would you take the risk and advertise?
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